eoSurgical are now part of the Limbs & Things family

What Can An eoSim Bring to Your Course?

Last month saw the use of our eoSims as a major component of the Junior Masterclass in Gynecological and Pelvic Surgery. Held at the faculty of medicine, Lille and sponsored by the Societé de Chirurgie Gynécologique et Pelvienne, this congress saw 20 participants put through their paces to develop their robotic and laparoscopic surgery skills.


We caught up with Jerome at Twin Medical - our main suppliers in France - to see how participants fared using the eoSim and our objective performance tracking software, SurgTrac...


A Junior Masterclass participant using an eoSim.


So Jerome, tell us how you and other mentors found the eoSim SurgTrac as a teaching tool?


“It was great, everything went very smoothly. We initially found both the hardware and software (SurgTrac) very quick and easy to set up. Once set up we found that teachers really appreciated the versatility of the software and the varied activities available. The metrics and the constructive feedback that SurgTrac provides were particularly well received, especially when it was so easy to see all of this information in one place.”


Great! And how about the participants?


“It was very well received by all participants. They all seemed to enjoy the ease and accessibility of the software as well as the portability of the eoSim itself. A number of them even said they would definitely like an eoSim of their own to take home with them."


Overall how well do you feel the eoSims fit into courses such as this?


“To be honest you get the best of both worlds, you have equipment that can be used as a primary educational tool and also as a supplementary tool for individuals to take home and practice their skills further. This makes for a very flexible and diverse application in such courses. I would thoroughly recommend!”


Anything you would change?


“Only that I would take more with me next time !”


Thanks Jerome!



‘Teachers appreciated the versatility of the system and its varied activities’
‘Very quick and easy to set up’