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eoSurgical is coming to China

China’s massive population demands massive healthcare infrastructure. The country’s current healthcare roadmap involves assessing opportunities to deploy mobile technology and cloud computing to improve care, together with a major drive to increase the number of doctors.

Provision of surgery and surgical training is no different – the large and aging population requires more surgeons with more expertise. Surgery will form a large part of the anticipated US$1 trillion total Chinese healthcare bill by 2020. 



We are passionate about bringing eoSurgical’s ethos of accessible, effective, affordable surgical simulation to China; especially SurgTrac - our online cloud-based surgical training community. 

If you are an existing or a potential customer based in China, and would like to meet the eoSurgical team, please get in touch: mark.hughes@eosurgical.com

Mark Hughes
Founder / Director / Product Development
eoSurgical ltd. 
Specialist Trainee
in Neurosurgery